Student Transferes

Students within the Chignecto Central Region attend their school, as determined by their defined catchment area. The catchment area is the designated geographical area in which all students residing in attend a specific school.

At Chignecto Central Regional Centre for Education (CCRCE), we recognize that sometimes students and parents make a request to attend a school outside of their catchment area. The reasons for this decision can be many. However, no matter the circumstance, a Student Transfer Request form must be completed. The form is an official request for a student transfer from one school to another within CCRCE.

Before beginning the transfer process, students, parents and guardians are encouraged to read our Student Transfer Process (see below). If after reading and understanding the process you choose to move ahead, you can fill-out and submit the Student Transfer Request Form.

Please note: Students that transfer outside of their home school catchment area will need to find alternative transportation to and from their new school. CCRCE does not alter or provide additional bus routes for students who have transferred outside of their home school catchment area.
If you have questions about this process or the Student Transfer Request Form, please contact CCRCE at 1-800-770-0008 (toll free) or 902-897-8900.
Student Transfer Process

CCRCE will consider requests from parents (guardians) and/or students (if age 19 years or over) for a student to transfer to a school outside their home school’s catchment area. We reserve the right to transfer a student in exceptional circumstances, provided it is in the best interest of the student and/or the school. A determining factor in the consideration of a transfer request is the class size and/or the needs of the “receiving” classes.

Once a student transfer request is approved, the “receiving” school becomes the student’s “school of record”. Any subsequent change will require another Student Transfer Request.

Transfer Requests
1. The Parent (Guardian) or Student (if 19 years or over) submits a completed Student Transfer form to their current principal. This can be accessed online or from their current school.
2. Upon receiving the completed Student Transfer form, your current Principal will:
 Review the application to ensure that all necessary information is provided.
 Send confirmation of receipt of the transfer to Parent (Guardian) and send to receiving Principal.
3. The Principal of the “receiving” school will:
 Review the transfer request
 Send to the applicable Family of School Supervisor
3. The Family of Schools Supervisor will:
 Receive and review the Student Transfer
 Consult with both principals
 Approve or deny the transfer
 Complete the appropriate sections of the Student Transfer form
 Advise the parent (guardian) and/or the student and both principals of the decision

Please note: Students that transfer outside of their home school catchment area will need to find alternative transportation to and from their new school. CCRCE does not alter or provide additional bus routes for students who have transferred outside of their home school catchment area.

Timeline for Student Transfers
There is no guarantee a transfer request would be approved before the second day of school in the following school year. This is because:
 Transfers can only take place if there is room in the receiving class. Classes must stay within class cap guidelines.
 Each new school year, it is difficult to project the final class numbers until students arrive on the first day of school. It is after this date we can confirm class sizes and assess whether there is enough space for student transfers.
If a student transfer form is received, all parties are in agreement, and there is room in the receiving class, transfers may be approved earlier.

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